Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur id tincidunt justo. Phasellus ultricies cursus tortor eget ullamcorper. Ut vel tellus ut nibh imperdiet tristique. Praesent egestas sapien nec lectus finibus mollis.

Personalized offers

Today, people buy experiences, not products. Companies need to provide personalized offers on the right and appropriated time.

Abandonment cart

Deliver very high personalized Offer based on users recent navigation and products left on shopping cart. Identify a cart abandonment activity as it happens and retarget in real-time.


Re-engage the prospect accross channels and continue to evolve the conversation as new information is provided. Improve offer relevance contributing with cross-selling and upselling opportunities.


According to the Baymard Institute’s research, 69% of all e-commerce visitors abandon their shopping cart (1).

(1) Source: Baymard Institute’s. Found in: https://baymard.com/research/checkout-usability Accessed in March 21

Data Collection
Audience Manager

Smart shopping cart

Opportunity & Benefit

Automatically re targeting of ALL abandoned shopping carts.
Deliver very high personalized Offer (1:1) based on users’ recent navigation and products left on shopping cart.

More about smart shopping cart

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